Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's Christmas, buy local (and handmade!)

Stressed about having to go to the crowded shopping malls to find the perfect gifts? Why not visit the local section of Etsy to find it?

Etsy has an easy way to find all the shops that are from your area with the clic of a button.

In Ottawa for example, you can find the great crocheted items of MonMinou or the awesome camera straps of Lilybug.

Your loved one is a fan of art? Check out the great pictures of Raceytay or the contemporary art of Laura Carter.

Just go to, click on Buy and choose Shop Local. Then, enter your city et voila!

You will surely find unique gifts for everybody on your list!

And don't forget to visit my shop!

Happy shopping everybody!

1 comment:

  1. you should keep up posting things, i love your work!
